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What to keep in your car

For automobiles: there are some specific things to keep in the car either for emergencies or for inclement weather, especially when we start another unpredictable winter in New England:

  • Your name, address, phone, work and home, emergency contact numbers and your physician's name, address and phone. You may want to include your date of birththis can be a written list you keep on your person
  • Window brush and/or scraper
  • Bag of icemelt (cheap brands don't work as well)
  • Roll of paper towels
  • Small shovelcan have the fold up handle or be a child's plastic shovel
  • Car cell phone charger, if you have a cell phone
  • Flashlight with batteries and make sure it is in working order
  • Portable radio with batteries
  • Emergency lights
  • A few plastic forks, spoons and knives, bendable straws
  • Maps of the areas you travel the most
  • An extra fleece coat or jacket because fleece keeps you warm
  • Extra pair of gloves
  • Warm hat
  • A few bags of dried food that has a long shelf life
  • Emergency blanket such as a sheet of mylar that is lightweight but can keep you warm. It might be a good idea to include one in the emergency kit for your home
  • First aid kit comprising the following items:
    • Large sterile gauze pads
    • Paper tape in a wider size so it can be can into smaller pieces if necessary
    • Scissors (to cut clothes, gauze etc.)
    • Assortment of stiri-strips and band aids
    • Ace bandage
    • Aspirin
    • Face mask
    • Benadryl for itch and allergy relief
    • Non-latex gloves (preferably several pairs)
    • Pain medicine if you have extra
    • Something to make a tourniquet
    • Drinking water
    • Small but warm blanket
    • A tarp
    • Hand warmers that when snapped, heat up
    • Whistleso people can find you