Sunday Conversations - June 23, 2023

“Improving Pain Care Through Education and Policy”

Sunday, June 23, 2024, 4 p.m. Eastern Time

Cindy Steinberg

Jackie Orent-Nathan

Michele Matthews

In this edition of Sunday Conversations, we continued our series on comorbidities with a focus on pain. A panel of three presenters from the Massachusetts Pain Initiative (MassPI) presente on the work their organization does to improve the lives of people suffering from pain through knowledge, education, and policy reform. Cindy Steinberg discussed her role in past and current legislative actions, both locally and nationally. Jackie Orent-Nathan talked about pain neuroscience and about solutions that use neuroplasticity to influence the reorganization of neural networks. Michele Matthews focused on medications and provided the "Ins and Outs of Medications for Pain and Symptom Management".

Read more: Sunday Conversations - June 23, 2023

Sunday Conversations - May 19, 2024

"Are You M.A.D.? An axis awry of Mast cell activation disease, Autonomic neuropathy, and Disorders of connective tissue"

Sunday, May 19, 2024, 4 p.m. Eastern Time

Dr. Anne Maitland

A growing body of evidence is linking heritable disorders of connective tissue, such as Ehlers Danlos Variants, with dysautonomia and mast cell dysfunction, which lead to chronic fatigue, brain fog, irritable bowel symptoms and pain syndromes. Dr. Maitland presented a brief review of the diagnosis and relationships of this clinical triad, MCAD, Autonomic dysfunction, and Disorders of connective tissue or hEDS. A better understanding of these relationships should lead to multi-disciplinary clinical therapies to help right this trio of modern day epidemics.

Read more: Sunday Conversations - May 19, 2024

Run/Walk/Roll for ME and the Long Haul with Team MassME at the McCourt Foundation's 2024 Boston Waterfront 5K on June 9

Copy of 5K JoinDonate Graphic for website


Run/walk/roll for ME and the Long Haul!

Join Team MassME at the McCourt Foundation's 2024 Boston Waterfront 5K on June 9

Run for ME! Run for the Long Haul! Help us to raise awareness of ME/CFS and Long COVID, and to fund MassME's ongoing information and support programs. 


Register as a participant

We know that 5K is a marathon — or beyond — for many with ME or LC. Ask healthy friends or family members to run on your behalf with Team MassME using this link. The 5K course will be accessible to wheelchairs, including motorized devices, and anyone needing assistance to participate can be accompanied by up to two support members who do not need to register. 

The registration process is simple. The fee to register is $40 (plus a $4 processing fee).*  Each participant will have their own fundraising page associated with Team MassME.


Support our team

You can donate at our main team page, or choose one of our team members to support their efforts! All donations will help us continue to bring you information and support programs. Together, we are stronger!

If you have any questions, please contact Susan Buckley.

*If the fee is a financial hardship, please let us know..


You can support Team MassME by clicking here. No amount is too small!



Sunday Conversations - April 21, 2024

“Got Mold? How Our Homes Impact Our Health”

Sunday, April 21, 2024, 4 p.m. Eastern Time

Michael Rubino

Michael Rubino is the co-founder and chair of Change the Air Foundation, a non-profit giving every person the knowledge, resources, and support to achieve better health by breathing safe indoor air. In this edition of Sunday Conversations with MassME, Michael discussed air quality, mold, bacteria, symptoms of living with water damage, tests for mold and air quality, and the steps we can take to make our homes safer.

Read more: Sunday Conversations - April 21, 2024
