Sunday Conversations - November 2024

“Your Doctors are Human Beings, Too!”

Sunday, November 17, 2024, 4 p.m. Eastern Time

Ruth H. Axelrod, MHSA, PhD

You may find it easy or challenging to relate to each of your doctors and other providers in ways that help you get what you need from them. Both doctor and patient contribute to that relationship, usually in different ways, based on our personalities, roles and expectations. This presentation and discussion aimed to offer you some tools that can help make that relationship both effective and fulfilling. The discussion was led by Ruth Axelrod, who drew on her career in healthcare and academia, as well as her personal health journey, to facilitate conversation.

Read more: Sunday Conversations - November 2024

2024 Annual Event: A Powerful Paradigm for Living with Chronic Illness - Recording Available

2024 Massachusetts ME/CFS & FM Annual Event

Website FINAL Title Graphic Annual Event 2024

A Powerful Paradigm for Living with Chronic Illness 

Guest speaker: Patricia Fennell, MSW, LCSW-R, clinician, researcher, educator, and author

Recorded: October 26, 2024, 1:00 pm ET

Living with what was then commonly referred to as Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome (or its popular pseudonym, “Yuppie Flu”), Patricia had experienced the disbelief, dismissal, fear, and isolation familiar to many of us. Drawing from her professional experience, she developed strategies and solutions for “taking back her life,” and then shared them.

In her work as research scientist, clinician, and educator, Patricia describes a powerful paradigm for understanding how ME/CFS challenges one’s very sense of self and role in society and, more importantly, how to go about accepting and managing those challenges.

We spoke with Patricia about her experience applying her methods to her clients, her experience teaching other health professionals in a variety of disciplines to use these methods, and how things have changed in the last three decades for those living with ME/CFS.

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ME/CFS, Long COVID, and Other Infection-Associated Chronic Conditions: What They Teach Us - Recording Available

We are happy to collaborate with UMass Chan Medical School to present

ME/CFS, Long COVID, and Other Infection-Associated Chronic Conditions: What They Teach Us

Recorded: October 4, 2024 from 9 am - Noon ET


 Please note: We would like to correct a typo; We misspelled Todd Davenport, PhD, MPH in the above flyer.

The symposium, held in partnership with the Massachusetts ME/CFS & FM Association, features three presentations:

  1. Introduction to ME/CFS, Long COVID, and IACCs: Shared complexity and health inequity
    1. Hayla K. Sluss, PhD. Dept of Medicine, UMassChan. RECLAIM study lead PI
  2. ME/CFS and Long COVID: Clinical Considerations from a Phase Perspective
    1. Patricia Fennell, MSW, CSW-R. President and CEO of Albany Health Management Assoc. Inc.
  3. Unmasking PEM: Assessing disability and its pathophysiology using the 2-day Cardio-Pulmonary Exercise Test
    1. Staci Stevens, MA. Founder of Workwell Foundation
    2. Todd Davenport, PhD, MPH. Professor, Chair in the Dept. of Physical Therapy, University of the Pacific. Chair, Long COVID Physio.


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Sunday Conversations - September 15, 2024

Dr. Jill Crista Answers Your Questions About Mold

Sunday, September 15, 2024, 4 p.m. Eastern Time

Dr. Jill Crista is a pioneering Naturopathic Doctor and renowned educator on complex chronic illnesses including mold sickness, Lyme disease, post-concussion syndrome, and PANDAS and PANS. She's the author of the highly acclaimed best-seller, Break The Mold: 5 Tools To Conquer Mold and Take Back Your Health.

Dr. Jill spent an hour with us answering our questions about mold illness: diagnosis/symptoms, treatments, and relation to ME/CFS.

Read more: Sunday Conversations - September 15, 2024
