NEW! Gen Z & Millennial Groups Feb/Mar/Apr 2025

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Hey Gen Z and Millennials, we got you!

Register for one or both, the only restriction is where you live.

You must live in MA to attend the Wellness Workshop and New England for the meetup.

            FINAL Website Wellness post no QR 

       Click here for Wellness Workshop Details


            FINAL Website Meet Up post no QR

       Click here for New England Meetup Details


New England Meetup for Millennials & Gen Z Feb/Mar/Apr 2025

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New England Meetup for Millennials & Gen Z

*Please Note: You must be a resident of Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Rhode Island, or Connecticut to attend this group.

There is one registration for all three sessions. 

Wednesday, February 26th from 2:00-3:30pm ET

Wednesday, March 19th from 2:00-3:30pm ET

Wednesday, April 30th from 2:00-3:30pm ET

Group leader: Kerry Lang

This group is free for members, with any donations to offset costs welcome. A contribution of $40 or more will include annual membership.  

Non Member Registration 1



Wellness Workshop for Millennials & Gen Z Feb/Mar/Apr 2025

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Wellness Workshop for Millennials & Gen Z 

*Please Note: Due to professional licensing issues, you must be a Massachusetts resident to attend this group.

There is one registration for all three sessions. 

Each session will feature a different theme or activity followed by refelction, processing, and sharing as a group. 

Wednesday, Feb 12th from 5:30-7:00pm ET

Self Love

  • Participants will be guided through several mind/body exercises on the theme of self love. 
  • Suggested materials: Journal and writing utensil

Wednesday March 5th from 5:30-7:00pm ET

Tangle Doodle/Zen Doodling

  • Particpants will be guided through several meditative drawing techniques that help facilitate mindfulnes. No experience necessary.
  • Suggested Materials: blank paper, fine pointed pens/markers

Wednesday, April 9th from 5:30-7:00pm ET

Art Therapy for the Mind and Body

  • Participants will be guided through several exercises dealing with the mind and body

Facilitator: Kerry Lang, LMHC

Kerry Lang
I am a mental health counselor, wellness coach and expressive art therapist who specializes in populations diagnosed with ME/CFS, Long Covid, Chronic Lyme disease, and similar illnesses. In addition to my personal experience of surviving and reaching remission from late stage neurological Lyme disease, I have over 7 years of experience working directly with patients dealing with complex medical issues. Before embarking on my private practice full time, I was the Mental Health Manager at a Harvard University and MGH affiliated hospital, where I provided individual psychotherapy to patients in addition to running support groups and wellness programs for those with Lyme disease and Long Covid. I currently sit on the boards of Ride Out Lyme and Invisible International, where I continue to advocate for the mental health of those with invisible health conditions. My approach is integrative and patient-centered, utilizing mind body medicine along with mindfulness, meditation, and the creative arts. 

This group is free for members, with any donations to offset costs welcome. A contribution of $40 or more will include annual membership.  

Non Member Registration 1



Sunday Conversations - January 19, 2025

Sunday Conversations has a new schedule in 2025

Events will be held every other month (starting in January)
Some months will have guest speakers.
Others will be community conversations about a topic important to the community

“Going into the new year, what are your hopes and dreams?”

A community conversation focusing on positive visions for the coming year.

Sunday, January 19, 2025, 4 p.m. Eastern Time

Join with others to generate a positive outlook for the future. Hopes are always with us; dreams can be for things big or small. Hopes and dreams can bring us joy. Let’s imagine together and be inspired!

Read more: Sunday Conversations - January 19, 2025

Sunday Conversations - November 2024

“Your Doctors are Human Beings, Too!”

Sunday, November 17, 2024, 4 p.m. Eastern Time

Ruth H. Axelrod, MHSA, PhD

You may find it easy or challenging to relate to each of your doctors and other providers in ways that help you get what you need from them. Both doctor and patient contribute to that relationship, usually in different ways, based on our personalities, roles and expectations. This presentation and discussion aimed to offer you some tools that can help make that relationship both effective and fulfilling. The discussion was led by Ruth Axelrod, who drew on her career in healthcare and academia, as well as her personal health journey, to facilitate conversation.

Read more: Sunday Conversations - November 2024