Site Highlights

Mitochondrial Dysfunction, Post-Exertional Malaise and CFS/ME
This extensive review, written for both lay and professional readers, explains the role of mitochondria in cellular function and describes the characteristics and consequences of mitochondrial dysfunction fatigue in skeletal muscle. Illnesses with mitochondrial dysfunction are reviewed, including CFS/ME. Some treatments that are used are also described, as well as notes regarding exercise for patients with CFS/ME. There is an extensive bibliography.

Dental caries and oral problems have a strong and proven link to poor salivation and persistent dry mouth. Dry mouth and various oral and dental complications are problematic for many people with Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction Syndrome/Myalgic Encephaloyelitis (CFIDS/ME), and/or Fibromyalgia (FM). Persistent dryness could indicate an autoimmune illness like Sjögren's, linked to poorly functioning or damaged salivary glands, or be the result of side effects associated with many medications. Either way, it is a serious problem that warrants prompt medical or dental attention. Read more at Oral Complications in Sjögren's Syndrome and Chronic Dry Mouth.