Article Index

Psychological instruments used in assessment of ME/CFS

The definition provides a discussion and listing of instruments used to assess co-morbid psychiatric conditions, sleep disturbance, and physical and psychological well-being.

Pediatric Health Questionnaires

There are activity questionnaires which are helpful in diagnosing pediatric ME/CFS. "It is generally recommended that adolescents age 12 and over fill it out themselves, and parents can assist or fill it out for children under 11..." More than one person may fill out the questionnaires—child, parents, caregivers, etc. Some clinicians feel that both parents should fill out the forms, since the view of one parent may be limited. Research has also shown that the parents' perceptions of the illness may vary from those of the child. There is also a check-sheet for clinicians making a diagnosis from the ME/CFS: A Primer for Practitioners, as well as a "Functional Capacity Scale".