Unrest Events - Spring 2018

Get details of all Unrest events Spring 2018 in Massachusetts.


Massachusetts Congressional delegation supports ME/CFS patients

The entire Massachusetts Congressional delegation (two Senators and all nine Representatives) signed a statement of support for ME/CFS patients which was shown on the occasion of the screening of the documentary film “Unrest” on November 12, 2017 at the Regent Theatre in Arlington, MA. Our delegation's support for patients with ME/CFS was projected on the big screen at the event, which was attended by more than 360 healthcare professionals, ME/CFS patients, families, and supporters from Massachusetts and New England (VT, ME, CT, RI).  We were proud to announce that Massachusetts is the first state that has had such a statement from every member of its congressional delegation.

Read more: Massachusetts Congressional delegation supports ME/CFS patients

Thank Senator Markey for Promising to Help ME Patients

"I will be your advocate for more research" Massachusetts senator Ed Markey promised an ME patient at a Town Hall meeting on Feb. 23rd.

Read the story, view the video clip, and then call Senator Markey's office (202-224-2742) to thank him for promising in Northampton to advocate for M.E. on Capitol Hill. If you are an ME patient let them know. If you are a Massachusetts resident be sure to say that. Our Association will be following up with Senator Markey to let him know how he can help!

Watch Jen Brea's TED talk!

"What happens when you have a disease doctors can't diagnose," film-maker and ME/CFS advocate Jen Brea's TED talk, was filmed in June 2016 and has recently been made available for viewing (subtitles in 10 languages!). This is 17 minutes of gripping power. Watch it now!

To CDC: Remove GET and CBT from website!

Eleven patient organizations, including Massachusetts CFIDS/ME & FM Association, and 52 individual advocates have called for CDC to remove recommendations for GET (Graded Exercise Therapy) and CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) from the CDC's ME/CFS website.

Read more.

Read the community letter.