photo of ocean with rainbow

“When we started the first support group in 1983, I had no idea what this organization would grow into. These illnesses did not even have names, let alone any treatment options then."

— Bonnie Gorman, Founder

September is Pain Awareness Month

This page is dedicated to September, Pain Awareness Month (2011)

A public awareness campaign about chronic pain is underway on Facebook, sponsored by the American Pain Foundation (APF). The Foundation is hoping to secure a presidential proclamation designating September as “National Pain Awareness Month.” In honor of their endeavor, Massachusetts CFIDS/ ME & FM Association has created a new section in our Resource Library specifically designated for articles and information related to chronic pain.  New items on this topic will be added in the weeks and months ahead.

Here are some of the resources:

If you suffer pain from fibromyalgia, request that your physician acquire a copy of recently published article in Journal of Rheumatology, July 15, 2011;38(7) which may promote more realistic expectations about FM, including pain:  A study of 1555 FM Patients provides valuable insight on longitudinal outcome of FM.