photo of ocean with rainbow

“When we started the first support group in 1983, I had no idea what this organization would grow into. These illnesses did not even have names, let alone any treatment options then."

— Bonnie Gorman, Founder

A series of articles updating the status of XMRV, MLV and HGRV research at Y/E 2011, as follows:

“A Message from CII Director W. Ian Lipkin Regarding the XMRV/MLV CFS/ME Study”
(The Center for Infection and Immunity, Columbia University, December 28, 2011)

“Authors retract paper on detection of murine leukemia virus-releated sequences in CFS patients” (Virology Blog, December 26, 2011)

”Changing status of XMRV / HGRV research” (The Cheney Clinic, December 5, 2011)