In Memoriam - Ronald G. Tompkins

Ron_Tompkins.jpgIt is with great sadness that we learned of the sudden passing of Ron Tompkins, MD, ScD. The Massachusetts ME/CFS & FM Association was fortunate to be able to collaborate on a number of projects with Ron, and he was always extraordinarily generous with advice and guidance. The Massachusetts ME/CFS community has lost a strong ally and a good friend.

Read more: In Memoriam - Ronald G. Tompkins

Sunday Conversations with MassME

Sunday Conversations

A monthly speaker series
3rd Sunday of each month at 4 p.m. ET
Free and open to everyone

“Sunday Conversations with MassME” is a monthly speaker series with discussion on a wide variety of topics. These sessions are appropriate for patients, family members/caregivers, and health care professionals. Sunday Conversations take place via Zoom on the 3rd Sunday of each month at 4 p.m. ET, and are free and open to anyone. Presentations are recorded for later viewing. Registration is required.

Sunday Conversation for May:

Sunday, May 19, 2024, 4 p.m. ET - "Are You M.A.D.?
An axis awry of
Mast cell activation disease,
Autonomic neuropathy and
Disorders of connective tissue"

Dr. Anne Maitland

 Anne Maitland, M.D., Ph.D., is board-certified in allergy & immunology and internal medicine. As an allergy/immunology specialist at Metrodora Institute, Dr. Maitland’s clinical and research efforts are focused on increasing access to allergy and immunology specialty care. She is also one of the country’s top experts in immune-mediated disorders, including mast cell disease (MCD). She also serves on the scientific faculty for the Mast Cell Disease Society, the Ehlers-Danlos Society’s International Consortium and the Chiari-Syringomyelia Foundation.  Read more about this event.



Links to recordings, slides, and other resources from past events:


Click to see all events in a list format.

Sunday Conversation - January 2022

January 2022: Physical/Occupational Therapy for ME/CFS and Similar Chronic Illnesses

Dr. Kenneth J. Friedman




Sunday, January 16, 4:00 - 5:00 ET via Zoom
Featuring Kenneth J. Friedman, Ph.D.
Adjunct Associate Professor of Medicine,
School of Osteopathic Medicine of Rowan University, Stratford, NJ



Alba Azola, MD
Assistant Professor
Co-director of the PMR Post-Acute COVID-19 Team (JH PACT) Program
Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

Amy Mooney, MS OTR/L
Licensed Occupational Therapist
Mom of a severely ill daughter with ME/CFS

The overlap of symptoms in ME/CFS, long-haul COVID, and other post-infectious illnesses suggests that the symptoms are not unique to the individual conditions. Rather, they represent a common response, most likely with similar underlying pathophysiologies. Guiding principles of patient management are then set forward for all healthcare providers including physical and occupational therapists.

Video of the full event 

Dr. Friedman video 
Dr. Friedman's slides

Dr Azola video
Dr. Azola's slides

Amy Mooney video
Amy Mooney's slides

Q&A video

Resources from the chat

Dr. Friedman has contributed to three nationally-recognized primers on ME/CFS, written numerous articles about the disease in peer-reviewed journals, participated in the U.S. Department of Health’s Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Advisory Committee, and edited three medical journal issues focused on ME/CFS. His research suggests ME/CFS is one of many post-infectious illnesses with similar symptoms and pathophysiologies, and that advances in one illness could benefit others.

Dr. Azola offers her perspective as a clinician working with over 900 patients in a Long Covid clinic; 30 - 35% meet the criteria for ME/CFS. 

Amy Mooney, MS OTR/L, offers her comments about the unique perspective and guidance that Occupational Therapy offers.

The Moderator for this event is Kerry Lang, LMHC, an expressive art therapist and the Wellness and Mental Health Program Manager at the Dean Center for Tick Borne Illness at Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital in Boston, MA. She also leads support groups for Long Covid patients.



New Monthly Discussion Group: Looking at How ME/CFS Research Might Apply to our Care

Monthly Discussion Group Square No Date Time 002

 On Tuesday, December 14, from 5-6:30pm we are launching a new monthly zoom discussion group entitled: 

Looking at How ME/CFS Research Might Apply to our Care.

Click here for more details!